French Phrases of Agreement

French is a beautiful language that is rich in expression. It`s no wonder that French phrases are often used as a way to express agreement or approval. There are several phrases in French that are commonly used to indicate agreement or to show that someone is in agreement with another person`s statement or opinion. In this article, we`ll take a look at some of the most popular French phrases of agreement.

1. Tout à fait

“Tout à fait” is one of the most common French phrases used to express agreement. It means “completely” or “absolutely” and is often used in response to a statement or question. For example, if someone says, “Il fait beau aujourd`hui” (It`s beautiful today), you might respond with “Tout à fait!” (Absolutely!).

2. Oui, bien sûr

“Oui, bien sûr” is another common phrase used to express agreement or approval. It translates to “yes, of course” and is often used when someone is asking for permission or confirmation. For example, if someone asks, “Puis-je vous aider?” (Can I help you?), you might respond with “Oui, bien sûr” (Yes, of course).

3. C`est exact

“C`est exact” means “that`s exactly right” and is used to indicate agreement with an idea or statement. It is often used in response to a question or statement. For example, if someone asks, “La réunion est à 10h, n`est-ce pas?” (The meeting is at 10am, right?), you might respond with “C`est exact” (That`s exactly right).

4. Absolument

“Absolument” is another French phrase that means “absolutely.” It is often used to express agreement or approval in a more formal or emphatic way. For example, if someone says, “Je pense que c`est une bonne idée” (I think it`s a good idea), you might respond with “Absolument!” (Absolutely!).

5. Je suis d`accord

“Je suis d`accord” means “I agree” and is used to indicate agreement or approval with a statement or opinion. It is often used in conversation to express agreement. For example, if someone says, “Il est important de prendre soin de la planète” (It`s important to take care of the planet), you might respond with “Je suis d`accord” (I agree).

In conclusion, there are several French phrases of agreement that are commonly used in conversation. Whether you are expressing enthusiasm or simply indicating your approval, these phrases are excellent to have in your French vocabulary. So, why not try using these phrases the next time you want to express agreement in a conversation? You might find that they add a touch of elegance to your speech.


Posted on diciembre 11, 2021 in Sin categoría

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