Can You Feel Premature Atrial Contractions

Premature atrial contractions, or PACs, are a common type of heart arrhythmia that many people experience at some point in their lives. PACs occur when the heart`s upper chambers, known as the atria, contract earlier than they should. This can cause a fluttering or irregular heartbeat sensation that many people describe as feeling like their heart is “skipping a beat.”

While PACs can be concerning for some people, they are generally not considered dangerous unless they occur frequently or are associated with another underlying heart condition. In most cases, PACs can be managed with lifestyle changes or medications.

But can you actually feel premature atrial contractions? The answer is yes and no.

Some people may not notice any physical symptoms when they experience PACs, especially if they occur infrequently. However, many people do report feeling a fluttering or irregular heartbeat sensation that can be uncomfortable or even alarming.

The sensation associated with PACs can vary from person to person. Some people describe it as feeling like a skipped beat, while others may describe it as a racing or pounding heart. It can also feel like a fluttering or quivering sensation in the chest.

While the sensation associated with PACs can be concerning, it`s important to keep in mind that PACs are usually not harmful on their own. However, if you experience frequent or severe PACs, it`s important to talk to your doctor, as this may be a sign of an underlying heart condition.

If you have been diagnosed with PACs, there are several things you can do to manage your symptoms. Lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and getting regular exercise can help reduce the frequency and severity of PACs. Medications such as beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers may also be prescribed in more severe cases.

In summary, while the sensation associated with premature atrial contractions can be uncomfortable or even alarming, many people do feel them. If you are concerned about your symptoms or have been diagnosed with PACs, it`s important to talk to your doctor about the best course of treatment for you. By managing your symptoms and monitoring your heart health, you can continue to lead a healthy and active life.


Posted on April 26, 2023 in Uncategorized

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